15 things musicians notice from on stage....yep, we can see you
very few people get to say that they are fortunate enough to get to do something that they truly enjoy and are passionate about AND get paid for it. i've been performing as a singer now for just over 10 years and i have had some amazing experiences. i have gotten to perform in front of large crowds and small, in big cities and itty bitty towns. i've gotten to travel and write and learn and practice and perform with some of my best and closest friends. music has opened doors for me that i never imagined possible. it has taken me all over the country and to different parts of the world. through music i have met and worked with so many interesting and creative people and formed lifelong friendships.yep, we musicians are the lucky ones without a doubt.however, among our diverse experiences, there are definitely some commonalities which, despite our ages or genres, we have probably all lived through at one point or another. we have all probably had contracts fall through, had sound systems fail, been shocked by a microphone, played a 5 hour show only to go back to the hotel to find ourselves locked out of our room (or without a room at all), been yelled at by angry mothers-of-the-bride or drunk audience members. we've played in the searing heat, in the freezing cold and yes, even in the rain. we've lost music, lost gear, lost band members and we have definitely all witnessed a plethora of crazy/ridiculous/hilarious antics courtesy of our fantastic audience members.we are often called "the entertainment", but i am constantly (and pleasantly) surprised at how entertained i am by things that i observe from my vantage point on stage. i love it when, inspired by music, people allow themselves to completely let go, sometimes forgetting that others can even see them. to me, that is one of the most beautiful and fantastical things about music.i also love that, when inspired by alcohol, people also allow themselves to release all inhibitions (even ones they probably will regret in the morning), which
totally secretly keep me thoroughly entertained all night, even while i appear to be doing the entertaining. this post is dedicated to those gems. thank you for being you. you help make the night worthwhile.so, for your reading pleasure i have compiled a short list of things that musicians notice from on stage....yep we can see you.
- girl doing interesting interpretive dance
- slightly older man and slightly older woman grinding like teenagers at a kc and jojo concert
- butt crack of slightly older man grinding with slightly older woman
- guy doing his best (unsuccessfully) to try to dance with various groups of uninterested gals
- girl who thinks she is a stripper, drops it like it's hot
- bridesmaid who thinks it is a good idea to do a cartwheel...shows butt....falls down....cries
- girl consoling other girl who just got dumped by boyfriend....."no, YOU'RE beautiful!"
- girl who swears that her friend sings just like alicia keys and should be allowed to sing a song with the band
- stiff-side-step-flappy-chicken-arm-dance-guy (you have your own beat in your head....probably)
- guy with sweet kung fu dance moves (actually i really do think that you are awesome)
- bachelorette party who just wants you to play "all the single ladies" so the bride-to-be can get on stage and shake her single booty one last time
- couple who has completely forgotten that the dance floor isn't their bedroom
- gal at the wedding who thinks it's a good idea to do the splits on the dance floor in a short dress (also she forgot to wear underpants)
- guy who enthusiastically sings along to every song despite not knowing any of the words
- various people falling down for different reasons.....too many to count
i'm sure i've missed some.....what other things have you noticed?